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  • 執筆者の写真Takaaki Awazu

ロンドンジャパン祭り2020にてBye-Bye COVID-19のPFKコラボ動画が世界に向けて配信されました!


2016年4月、熊本県を襲った大地震を機にPlay For Kumamotoは立ち上がった。経営難に陥った県内ラウブハウスを盛り上げようと地元ミュージシャンらが活動を開始した。音楽のビートは余震に怯える町の人々をも元気づけた。

2020年3月、新型コロナが地球を襲う。またも県内ライブハウスは致命的な打撃を蒙る。再び立ち上がったPlay For Kumamotoはコンピレーションアルバムを制作し、ライブハウスを支援した。



In April 2016, Play For Kumamoto was launched after the big earthquake that struck Kumamoto Prefecture.

Local musicians have begun activities to liven up the Live Houses in the prefecture, which has fallen into financial difficulty.

The beat of music also cheered up the people of the town who were frightened by the aftershocks.

In March 2020, COVID-19 hit the earth. Once again, the live houses suffers a fatal blow.

Play For Kumamoto, which started up again, produced a compilation album and supported the live house.

And in July 2020, a record heavy rain will cause enormous damage to Kumamoto Prefecture.

This time we almost lost our smile.

It was a voice from London that reached us. Warm words of support and many donations were delivered.

We were also able to regain a smile.

We would like to send our smile and thank to the people who live in the UK for supporting us.



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